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Writer's pictureDiana Arango

My journey for baby # 2

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Now days it looks like having kids is becoming more and more difficult. Maybe the struggle has always been there, but people are starting to share it more and more.

Ph. Mafe Navarro

This time I want to share my experience of trying to have baby number 2. I know, some of you will think: “but at least she has one”... Which is true, but remember, the desire to have kids is no bigger or less because you already have one. Neither is the time you have tried to have a baby, a month or years of trying, is the same feeling, pressure and frustration.

I am sharing my story to give hope to all of you women trying to have babies and having to deal with doctors or people telling you it will not happen. In my case, we wanted to have another baby after our first son was 2 years old. We tried for around 6 months and nothing happened. I do realize this might not sound long, but when you really want to get pregnant, a month or years, is equally hard. So I went to a new Obgyn and after some exams he discovered I had a small uterine polyp (one centimeter big, to be exact). At that time, I had no clue what a polyp was, but the Dr. told me in a very automatic and simple way that I would have to do a surgery to remove it and see if I could get pregnant. If that didn’t work, I should try IVF. Plain and simple, like a prescription type of deal.

Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against medicine, surgery or IVF. However, I do feel Drs. should try to look more in depth of the root cause of any condition and disease. For me, this automatic response sent me a red flag immediately. I don't even want to tell you that Xanax was among the medicines prescribed for the post-surgery. Definitely a red flag here. I started doing some research of my own and learned the many reasons why I could have the polyp and the different natural approaches I could try, before going into more invasive ways. An amazing source of information was this website: and for my case in particular, this video which explains more in detail issues related with uterine polyps or fibroids.

I started to detoxify my body, removing some toxic habits that I used to have such as drinking from plastic bottles, eating processed food and using chemical personal products (deodorant and tooth paste, to name a few). You don’t realize the difference that this makes. Being very aware of the things I put into my body, helped me to feel better from the inside out.

My intuition had a lot to do with all of this. Something about what the doctor said was not convincing me and I felt more comfortable trying other natural methods. On this note, I do think you should respect your feelings and heart, and do what feels good for you.

At that same time, I learned about this amazing acupuncturist Dr. Monica Dabney who has said to have a success rate of 85% in fertility treatments. I immediately made an appointment with her. She is so nice and caring, she asked me to give her 3 months, before trying anything else and if I could not get pregnant, we will try something else. Well, long story short, after 6 acupuncture sessions (3 weeks, 2 sessions per week) I was pregnant. What acupuncture does, is to balance your hormones and clean your reproductive system, promote normal uterine health and get it ready to conceive. I cannot even begin to tell you how acupuncture has helped me in so many ways, including the births of both of my kids.

Thank God for all this people, I had an amazing pregnancy with not even one sign of having a polyp. It simply was not there anymore.

The lesson with all of this, more than trying to convince you to try more natural methods, is to convince you to trust your instinct and honor your sixth sense. We have that power. If your instinct also drives you to do surgeries, have hormones or do IVF, please by all means do so. I am not a doctor or anything similar, I am just trying to give you some light and hope in this journey, that I know is not that easy for some women.

Sending you lots of baby bliss and please feel free to share your stories and any successful methods that can help other women in their journey to become a mom.

Today, thanks to all the angels God sent me, I have a beautiful healthy and big three months old baby in my arms. I hope this post can bring the same joy to at least one of you reading me.



(Dr. Monica Dabney phone number: 305.697.0626)

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